Heading to the beach should be a fun-filled day of sun and fun with the family, but if you forget some basic items it can make for a long day. In all the excitement it is easy to forget some of the little things that are necessary for a great day. Have no fear – this week we have a great list of the ten things you need to guarantee you have a great time on the beach during your Ocean Isle Beach vacation.


A plan
If you are trying to juggle all the different expectations of your family on vacation, a plan can be a real lifesaver. Having a plan will allow you to set the schedule for the week. Everyone will know which days are beach days, which ones are day trip days and so on. If you do this early in the week you won’t waste time trying to plan each day and balancing expectations. A well planned vacation is a stress-free vacation.
Gallon Zip Lock Bags
These bags can be a real lifesaver. Whether you are looking to keep your wallet, phone, iPad or book dry, these simple bags are a god send. Another great use for them is to keep your trash in from your picnic, baby wipes or other refuse. Remember, we want to keep the beaches clean. Ziplocks are just one of those simple items you really should bring to the beach.
Fitted Sheet
This may seem like a strange thing to bring to the beach, but the fact is, a fitted sheet can be a parent’s best friend. Just lay the sheet out. Then, just place an object in each corner to weigh it down and bam… you now have the perfect play area for the little ones. When done for the day, just shake it out and you are ready to go.

Perhaps few items are as important as the family cooler for a fun day on the beach. Packing sandwiches, drinks and snacks is not only handy, but cost-effective. If you are like our family, your teenagers can put a big dent in the budget with their big appetites. Take time to pack a cooler with healthy snacks and of course, lots of beverages. Use frozen water bottles to double up as ice cubes and cold drinks.
Hydration is key
The Carolina sun is a welcome sight for all of us, however, the summer heat can play havoc on your body. It is crucial to stay hydrated. While on the beach you will want to avoid soda and alcohol. Soda and alcohol cause the body to lose fluids. Focus on drinks without sugar, and of course, water is the best bet for staying hydrated during your Ocean Isle Beach vacation.
Change of Clothes
A change of clothes can make a day at the beach easier for a variety of reasons. One is that often you will want to head out to eat after being at the beach. Whether it is for lunch or dinner, having a quick set of clean, dry clothes makes it easy to head out for a meal. It is also nice to have all your wet and sandy clothes in a bag before you head back to the cottage. Don’t over think this, it is the beach after all, just a clean shirt and a pair of shorts is all you need to toss in a bag.
Small First Aid Kit
No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen, especially if you have little kids. A simple first aid kid with some bandaids, aloe, antiseptic ointment and a few other things is easy to prepare and can be a lifesaver.
Flip Flops
This is something that surprises a lot of first time beach goers, but the sand can be really hot. Having a pair of flip flops makes waking on the sand or to the car a breeze. The other nice thing about flip flops is they are easy to clean, lightweight and also the unofficial shoe of Ocean Isle Beach.

Beach Umbrella
Having a way to stay out of the direct sun is a must for any beach lover. Bringing an umbrella is the only way to have a little safe shade for you and the kids. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen and hat. If you don’t have an umbrella, there are plenty of places on Ocean Isle Beach to rent them. Feel free to reach out to our staff and we will be happy to steer you in the right direction.
The eleventh item you need is, of course, to book an Ocean Isle Beach vacation. There is still plenty of time to book a great getaway to one of the best destinations on the North Carolina coast. Whether you are looking for a late summer or even an early fall vacation, we have a great selection of homes to choose from, all backed by our dedicated staff of professionals. Call us at 800-727-9222 to book your vacation today.

put an ocean isle beach vacation on your bucket list
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