School at the beach? The fact is, dealing with the impact of Covid-19 has forced many schools to employ an online-only school schedule. The one advantage of this is that it allows families to head to the beach during some of the best times of the year. But, can you really expect your kids to go to school while at the beach? The answer is yes, albeit with a little bit of planning. This week and next week we’ll share with you some of the best tips and ways to have a successful off-season family vacation all while getting your kids’ school work done. Let’s get started.
Choose your home base
Of course, the first thing you need to do is pick a vacation home. We have a huge selection of vacation homes to choose from.
All of our homes are well appointed and most have Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a critical feature to have if you are looking to have the kids do school work from the vacation rental.
Here are several of our homes that have Wi-Fi.

Five tips for successful homeschooling at the beach
Create a space
It is a good idea to designate a space where school work will be completed. Don’t get into the habit of having the kids go outside or any old place. Having one place where you and the kids can get organized is critical to your success.
Maintain a schedule
Having a schedule is an important part of any school setting. Whether you are on Ocean Isle Beach, at home, or in a traditional setting, a schedule helps keep things running smoothly. This still applies to school at the beach. Set up a daily schedule for the kids. This way everyone is on the same page for the day. One advantage to homeschooling during this time is that you can set up almost any schedule that works for you and your family.
Set goals
Set goals at the beginning of each day. With a goal in place you will be able to track the progress of each day’s lessons. Goals are also a valuable way of setting expectation for the kids. Remember, you are on vacation, but at the same time getting through each lesson is the object of the day. School first, and then fun.
Be patient
While you’re used to powering through multiple tasks in a day, it’s important to consider that the rate at which your child learns may be different from yours or from other children. When assisting with schoolwork, try to let your child guide the pace for learning.
Phone free zone
If your kids are like ours they love their smartphones. Kids these days spend hours a day on social media, playing games and in general spend way too much time on their phones. However, e-learning does require a lot of screen time.
And even though it’s for a good cause, when you stack that with their regular usage it can add up to an awful lot of screen time. Take a look at your kid’s daily activity, and make sure to set a reasonable limit.

Incorporate the local area into your lessons
Take advantage of the local area by incorporating a field trip or two into your classes. If you need a science lesson the beach is a wonderful place to find great content. Consider a lesson in marine biology. Kids can explore the shore during low tide and discover an abundance of marine life. Older kids can learn about beach erosion, climate change and other more complicated lessons. Don’t forget the rich local history. There are so many options for those homeschooling or looking for a project related to remote learning. The sky is the limit on Ocean Isle Beach.
Are you ready to book an Ocean Isle Beach vacation? Now is the perfect time. Give us a call today at 800-727-9222 or click the button below to see all of our vacation homes. Don’t forget to check out our current specials!