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National Plan for Vacation Day is Held Every January! Have You Done It Yet?

Welcome to the New Year! We hope you’re dreaming of new adventures, checking off items on your bucket list, and feeling refreshed and renewed in 2023. We have a really important question to ask you as you plan for your year. Have you booked your Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina vacation yet? If so, that’s awesome! If not, January is the perfect month to make your vacation plans. National Plan for Vacation Day sets aside the last Tuesday of this month to encourage Americans to plan their time off. So, go ahead and make it your goal to plan your next vacation in the coming weeks. You deserve it!

A few quick reminders about why vacations are good for you!

These days, we are all more conscious of our health and wellness than ever before. We’d like to remind you that a vacation is not just for fun, but it’s also good for you and your family.

According to “Studies have shown that just four days can impact stress and well-being, that positive effects peak at eight days, and that longer vacations—more than 10 days—soothe stress better than shorter ones.”

Man on laptop planning a beach vacation | Williamson Vacations Ocean Isle Beach NC Rentals

Here are a few more reasons why a vacation is important in your year and your life.

Break Out of Routine

Going on a vacation turns off the autopilot of your daily routine and puts you in a more mindful state of mind as you encounter new experiences. It also heightens your awareness of the present moment.

Reduce Stress

Vacations and relaxation, go hand-in-hand, so naturally you’re going to feel less stressed on a vacation. Studies indicate that just knowing a vacation is coming up is relaxing and stress-relieving.

Boost Brain Power

A state of relaxation sparks a creative mindset. When you’re relaxed and your mind is clear from clutter, you’ll often find that your best ideas happen. Neuroscience studies using PET and MRIs confirm that.

Lift Your Spirits

Vacations are mood-boosting for many reasons: the change of pace, the new scenery, the new adventures. You’re also connecting with others and making memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.

Sleep Better

Improved sleep is often a healthy bi-product of a vacation. Sleep is inhibited by stress, poor daily habits, and lack of physical exertion. A vacation can improve all of those things, resulting in better sleep.

Anticipation Ahead

We all need things to look forward to in the days and months ahead. Planning a vacation gives you a bright spot on your calendar. It’s something to daydream about, count down toward, and build excitement for.


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National Plan for Vacation Day is Held Every January! Have You Done It Yet?
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