5 Creative Tips for Spreading Christmas Cheer at the Beach

During the busy holiday season, it is very easy for our focus to be misplaced on THINGS, instead of the people who surround us and bring us so much joy. Being with loved ones and spending quality time together is such an important part of Christmas. But with commercial advertising, and a culture that is all too eager to keep up with the Jones’….it is difficult to keep our priorities straight. So why not challenge your family, over the next few weeks, to spread some Christmas cheer and holiday spirit. And what a better place to keep people as a priority than at the beach!! Whether you are spending your Christmas at home or on an unforgettable family vacation to Ocean Isle Beach, remember that there is always time for random acts of kindness and opportunities to spread joy. Here are 5 great tips to get your creative ideas flowing….so you and your family can spread some Christmas cheer!

Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You A Happy Human

There are endless opportunities in Ocean Isle Beach (and beyond) to engage in random acts of kindness. Doing something nice for someone, often spontaneously…and other times planned…is both easy and fun! Here is a short list of just a few ways that you can show some Christmas cheer to friends and strangers alike!

1. The next time you are in line at the drive-thru, offer to pay for the car behind you.
2. Leave a sticky note with exact change on top of a newspaper box…saying, “Enjoy your morning paper on me! Have an awesome day!”
3. Call your parents (or children) just to say, “I love you.”
4. Does one of your friends or family member alway compliment you on something you wear? Wrap it up, and give it to them with a little cheerful note.
5. Be generous. Leave an extra tip the next time you eat out….and tell the person how thankful you are for good service and great people!

How to Say Thank You to Our Amazing Local HeroesThank You

There are many men and women that serve our community, working long hours…and who are often away from their family during the holidays. Here in Ocean Isle Beach, we are so thankful for our Police Officers, Firefighters, Paramedics, Doctors & Nurses, and Teachers. Military Personnel, stationed nearby and abroad, also deserve our thanks. Why not do something extra special for these people, who do so much to keep us safe…whether you are at home or vacationing in Ocean Isle Beach?

1. Have a pizza delivered.
2. Drop off a basket full of goodies or a plate full of cookies.
3. Write thank you notes, and hand deliver.
4. Purchase a new coffee pot and several months worth of coffee…and drop it off.
5. Coordinate a time to host a dinner. Bring your barbecue grill out and cook burgers, or bring enough lasagna and salad to feed an army!

Volunteering Is Sure To Look Good On You

One of the best and most valuable gifts you can give is your time. Find a place to spend several hours volunteering…as a family or by yourself. There are a plethora of service opportunities in your community and in the Ocean Isle Beach area! Salvation Army, local churches, local soup kitchens, and schools are a great place to start your search for a volunteer position. It’s always a good idea to pair your volunteering adventure with something that you are passionate about. If you have a heart for animals, then head over to the animal shelter and see if they need an extra set of hands!

Feed a Festive Spirit This Holiday Season

There are many families that fall of unexpected hard times during the winter months. One easy way that you can make a difference is to donate food to your local food pantry. A few cans of green beans, a bag of rice, some breakfast cereal…it doesn’t sound like much. But a little bit can go a long way! The South Brunswick InterChurch Council operates our local food pantry, serving thousands of people are served canned goods, bread, and meat…enough to provide each of them with a three-day emergency supply of food.

Give to a Great Cause, and Give a Gift That Will LastGive to a Great Cause

While you are making your list and checking it twice, why not add a few gifts that will brighten someones Christmas. Each year, Salvation Army and local churches sponsor Angel Trees. These trees are adorned with tags, displaying gift ideas for specific boys and girls in the community. Nursing Homes are another place where you can go to find plenty of deserving ladies and gentlemen. If you prefer to buy gift for four-legged friends in need, then you can purchase much needed items for the animal shelter, like pet food, blankets, toys and more. No matter where you choose to give, it’s the thought and motive that counts. When your tree is trimmed, and the gifts are piled high…you will be so glad that you gave. You have the power to make a difference!

Don’t forget to add “spread a little Christmas cheer” to your to do list this holiday season! If you are looking for more ways to give back to the beach community, the local staff at Williamson Realty Vacations would be happy to point you in the right direction. With 37 years of experience serving Ocean Isle Beach, we are the area experts!

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